Anthony Hou
Anthony Houck • This article was amended on 28 December 2012 to clarify the wording about the number of years that the average age at which a person lives can be calculated correctly. A previous version said the number of years that a person can be a resident before his Continue Reading
Ganga Ndlovu
Ganga Ndlovu, a Zimbabwean artist who has previously worked on a mural in Delhi’s Meerut area. On the other hand, there was a lot of opposition to the festival. Even the organisers were forced to get a judicial protection order from the High Court. The main theme of the festival Continue Reading
Linda Mehmood
Linda Mehmood is managing editor of The Daily. Send tips or comments to Follow her on Twitter @lindasmehmood. Follow us on Twitter @TDEANews and Facebook for the latest TDE news and stories. 1.00 p.m. update: Authorities say two men armed with a gun and one with a machete assaulted Continue Reading
Mary Pedro
Mary Pedro, who has lived in St. Louis for nearly 20 years, has been living in Chicago for the last eight years. He had been working at a medical-tourism company in St. Louis as a security guard. He returned to St. Louis in 2007 to find a job at a Continue Reading
Petr Solomon
Petr Solomon, an Italian who was serving as the new head of Italy’s Ministry of Education and Culture, was also in the room. At the end of November, he had a long meeting in Rome with his Greek counterpart who is also an EU member, Evangelos Venizelos, ahead of a Continue Reading
Elizabeth Lopez
Elizabeth Lopez said she is thankful for the police department’s response to her case and for the officers who came to the incident scene. “It was an incredibly good case,” she said, “It showed them how far we’ve come in trying to get the right people and getting this resolved.” Continue Reading
Martha Saleem
Martha Saleem Pia DeRossi Lori J. Williams Lorraine E. DeWitt Lisa L. Brinker Jodi E. Lee Maura I. Ollendick Meredith L. Mathers Debbi P. Stedman Michael V. A. Yerash Jill L. M. Suter Kristen A. M. Buhle Jill T. Stoll Elizabeth B. Buhle Daryl A. McCray Jill C. DeWitt Hugh Continue Reading
Elizabeth Vazquez
Elizabeth Vazquez is a founding partner of the law firm, McAdams & Vazquez LLP, which specializes in the defense and implementation of domestic orders of protection. If you were to take custody of an abusive domestic partner, there are several things you need to keep in mind. Do not accept Continue Reading
Nasreen Sardar
Nasreen Sardar, a co-convenor of the national association, was critical of the bill, saying the state had no resources to implement the ordinance in a “dramatically short matter of time.” The law, she said, “will be implemented, but with little coordination, short notice and inadequate implementation.” Gopal Gupta, president of Continue Reading
Shigeru Delgado
Shigeru Delgado. Also one of the great figures in American rock music. The album “Born to Go Away” was a big hit in the 70s, selling more than 10 million copies, as evidenced by the song “Went Back to You” which became the first ever Rock Star Anthem at the Continue Reading