Sima Solomon

Sima Solomonova, the head of the international human rights group Memorial, told reporters in Geneva last week in a closed-door meeting: “The people on the ground are very scared. There are no signs of hope.” Humanitarian agencies warn the fighting in the east will be “worsening, with refugees and internally Continue Reading

Haibo Solomon

Haibo Solomon, the head of the National Institute of Public Health, told the paper, and there isn’t much they can do once a patient has been admitted. “What can we do to improve chances of survival?” they asked. This paper provides the best answers yet. For now, these numbers suggest Continue Reading

Guillermo Solomon

Guillermo Solomon, a sociologist at UC-Los Angeles, told me that the “invisible hand” model was one of the key ideas for his field when he began studying “the invisible hand of capitalism” more than 15 years ago. A key idea, he says, is that economies don’t emerge from the free Continue Reading