The Importance of the History of Fashion Trends Timeline

The History Of Fashion Trends Timeline traces the path that fashion has taken over the last few centuries. Fashion has evolved from its basic beginnings back to the present day and is still changing and innovating in its methods of design and manufacturing. The major factors that have helped to Continue Reading

Floral Fashion Trend History

Floral fashion trends have had a huge influence on the designs, styles and colors that people choose to wear on a daily basis. The flowery designs of decades past still reflect very strongly in today’s designs. The floral fashion trends have evolved greatly over the years as new flowers and Continue Reading

The Deadly Fashion Trends Of History

The Deadly Fashion Trends Of History If you’ve ever seen a picture or worn a garment that looked uncomfortable or even downright lethal, you would have thought to yourself “Gee whiz, that was such a great trend / garment!” Unfortunately, most people do not realize that many of fashion’s infamous Continue Reading

History of Fashion Trends

History of Fashion Trends The history of fashion trends is a very interesting topic, one that you can certainly learn a lot from. Just like fashion design itself, there are certain steps and events that happen in fashion trends, and there are some people that study this very topic in Continue Reading

The History of Fashion Trends in America

The history of fashion in America is quite a colorful one. Fashionable trends are not only seen in this country but all over the world and America have had a large role to play. In fact, the fashion in America has been continuously evolving and changing throughout the years. For Continue Reading

Floral Fashion Trend History

Floral fashion trend history can be seen as one of the most significant fashion events that happened during the latter half of the 20th century. During this time period, floral designs became more popular in various different ways. For one, floral patterns began to replace other conventional design themes in Continue Reading