A Short History Of Neon Fashion Trend History


Neon fashion was a popular trend in the late 80’s. The neon fashion trend came and went, but it left a lasting impression on most people. People loved the neon colors of the time; neon is a bright color that is easy to see in direct light. It was also very attractive to most people. You can even find remnants of neon in some retail clothing.

The neon fashion trend was back in style again in the early 90s. The neon fashion designs were made popular again with the release of the Michael Jackson movie Thriller. People loved the crazy designs that were very much in vogue at the time. With the popularity of the neon fashion trend, more people were able to purchase clothing in this fashion trend. You can still find some of these vintage clothing pieces in some retail stores. They are quite valuable as well.

The neon fashion trend continued on for a while and then fizzled out. Then, slowly, neon style faded into the background as fashion trends were changed. However, they still lingered on and gained popularity again. The great thing about neon fashion is that it has a strong appeal even today.
