Female MMA Superstar – Sofia Carmona


Sofia Carmona is one of the newest faces of Mixed Martial Arts. She hails from Cuba and she has decided to make a name for herself in the world of MMA. Born out of a physical standpoint that may border on being a little physical, she has a very unique physiology. As you may not know, as someone gets older, their height begins to lessen, their muscle tone starts to wane, and they become more capable of having some sort of health problem. It was this very fact that motivated Sofia Carmona to start working out so that she could keep her body in good condition, which is why she decided to get into kick boxing as an adult.

In addition to being tall and lanky, it seems as though her main issue with her height has been related to her nationality. Cuba is known for being short, so it is understandable that she would dislike being considered as tall as an American, even if her height is relatively short compared to some other MMA fighters. It does help that she is Latino and a member of the Puerto Rican National Weightlifting Team, but even with this, people might still have trouble seeing her as being tall enough to be a mixed martial arts fighter. This is why it was important for her to begin working out before she turned eighteen, in order for her to achieve her full potential as an athlete.

In other words, if an eighteen-year-old female wants to be a mixed martial arts fighter, she should first work on keeping her body at a healthy weight, and second to increase her vertical height. If she had been born in the United States, or Canada, she would most likely have been disqualified from fighting while in her teens because of being over six feet in her height. The only way for her to gain clearance to fight is for her to prove to the Nevada State Athletic Commission that she is a woman, and that she is over the height limit for women in that state. Although she passed all of the tests, it may take a few more years before we know if she is cleared to compete professionally in MMA.
