Tips For Wearing Sassy Makeup For The Professionals


SOFIA VOOR is an absolutely gorgeous medium brown hair color with very pale red undertones. It is an extremely pretty combination of blonde and brown highlights, leaving you with a beautiful, bright color statement! I wore this color when I went on vacation last month to celebrate my tenth wedding anniversary with my boyfriend and his best friend. The great thing about Sofia Vaur is that it works with all skin tones and hair colors, which are great because not everyone has the exact same coloring of hair or skin. I personally love this color because it was so easy for me to coordinate with the color scheme we chose for our wedding.

Age is something else to take into consideration when choosing a color. When choosing a color for your hair, it is important that you stay on the age of the person who will be wearing it as well. If you are a young professional in your twenties, I recommend staying away from darker hues like black or navy blue, since they will tend to make you look older than you actually are. On the other hand, if you are someone in your forties, fifties, sixties, or seventies, I would suggest sticking with colors such as burgundy, emerald, avocado, and sage green. These colors will make you look ten years younger, and they also tend to blend in a bit better with your clothing style and physique. Many top celebrities have made a name for themselves with green eyeshadow, including Elizabeth Banks and Jessica Alba.

Height is another factor to consider when choosing a new makeup color. As a professional in the fashion industry, many women struggle with their height. Some struggle to find ways to add height without being too drastic, while others are so tall that it is a hindrance to their profession. As a result, many choose to go with colors such as green, aqua, and light blue, since they make it easy to blend in with a taller fellow. However, even if you are not short, wearing eye shadow will dramatically increase your height, and can help you avoid many stiletto-wearing friends.
