Becoming a Certified Yoga Teacher by Sofia Araujo


Age and nationality play important roles when we consider mastering the techniques of Sofia Araujo. Age is a factor that affects the speed and perfection of learning but once you have surpassed the normal limit then age no longer matters. This is because as a master of several yoga teacher training programs, Sofia Araujo has transcended the age barrier and has helped her many students reach the zenith of physical and mental perfection. She has taught yoga for decades to people of all ages and during that time she has observed a significant change in responses from her numerous students who have reached the peak of physical prowess.

Age and nationality do affect the way you learn but there are also other factors that are more powerful and contribute to the effectiveness of such wisdom like awareness and clarity of thought. With knowledge of the five elements, one can be able to perceive where their body and mind are in relation to the universe around them. It is this awareness that will guide one into the proper path that will bring about balance and healing for both the mind and body. This brings about better overall wellness, which is the true goal of yoga teacher training.

There are many things that can hinder one from reaching their potential in this field including physical limitations, ego issues, cultural differences and lack of exposure in the Western world to holistic health methods. As a yoga teacher training under Sofia Araujo you will have access to the secrets of how to become a certified yoga teacher from an accredited school. It is important to remember that the teaching techniques you practice while in training should remain consistent with the guidelines of the organization that you will be joining. These include the ethical standards set by the International Yoga Federation as well as the guidelines set forth by the World Health Organization. Being a member of these organizations will ensure your continued success as a yoga teacher.
