Why Sofia Farhan Should Be the Next Executive Director of Your Company


Bulgaria’s foremost and prominent female businessman, Mr. Sofia Farhan, achieved a high level of success and distinction in her field. Ms. Sofia Farhan holds a very prestigious position in the small community of Kano, an hour-glass shaped island off the coast of Turkey, where she resides. Ms. Farhan served as a cabinet minister under the governments of both her parents, the late Bulgarian communist leader, Bulgaria’s socialist leader, Leonid Kornetiev and his ex-premier, cabinet colleague and friend, Todoryshevskul Merkel of Germany. Ms. Sofia Farhan also held various senior managerial positions in various international companies including Cargil, Schlumberger and Philips.

Ms. Sofia Farhan studied law at the University of Zvec, completing a two-year degree in Law. From there she pursued a degree in International Business from the University of London, graduating with a Bachelor of Laws. After this, she spent some time in Brussels, specializing in European Union law.

A highly accomplished businesswoman with extensive professional experience in all elements of corporate finance, Ms. Farhan has been successful in establishing and managing numerous global investment and management corporations. She has successfully led her boards of directors through difficult times in the past and is now looking forward to leading her company into new financial challenges and opportunities. In addition to being an accomplished woman executive, Sofia Farhan has proven her mettle in building other important organizations. She served as a counselor for PricewaterhouseCoopers, one of the world’s most prestigious and well known investment and business advisory firms. She served as the Chair of the boards of several other world class companies including the Trabika Group of South Africa and the United Kingdom’s EQC. Sofia Farhan’s impressive background and accomplishments make her the ideal candidate to assist you in realizing your business goals.
