Understanding Nationality, Age, Height, Education, Partner, Religion and Marriage Through Lara Odeh’s Coaching Style

One of the most exciting things about Lara Odeh, today, is her unique blend of ethnicity and modernity. Born in Chicago as Aminah Scott, Aminah was the child of immigrants from Syria. She experienced both personal and family tragedy in her childhood, and her path has taken her all over Continue Reading

Lara Dent – A Nationality Or Just Short Of A Supermodel?

Lara Scandar is a British actress, dancer and singer who rose to popularity in the UK in the late 90s through her two single releases, Age of Consent and Don’t Cry. She has since gone on to star in a number of television shows, including Catastrophe, alongside Aidan Gillen and Continue Reading

Fit To Beach Movie Review – Leitao Gracia

In the acclaimed Netflix movie “The Beach”, starring Dabney Coleman, actress/writer Darby Crashle (Leitao Diaz Ordaz) plays an aging, yet fit, bikini-clad Brazilian named Lara Leito, who becomes the new soprano in an exotic and exciting men’s retreat. Her siren appeal is enough to capture and keep the interest of Continue Reading

Exploring Height Enhancing Medicine

Lara Briden, a famous Naturopath, writer, speaker and consultant, has been a partner with height increasing national treasure, Naturopath Natrum Murthy. Naturopath Murthy is a certified nutrition specialist and a Master Herbalist. Together, they have over 25 years of experience and education in the field of alternative medicines and are Continue Reading

Lara Heller – Partner For Hire

In her debut novel, Lara Heller delves into the often unseen protagonist, Nationality Ace. Born in America, Nationality Ace is a twenty-two-year-old whose parents were immigrants from Czech. As an immigrant himself, he feels the need to make his mark and pursue his destiny in his adopted homeland. However, he Continue Reading