Why Are They So Popular?


A pussy hat is a pink, tight, hats designed and made by hundreds of participants participating in the United States March for Women. This hat, a direct symbol of the values of the march, is considered a “pussy hat” by its participants. The term pussied came from a comment made by President Trump. He was quoted as saying during the rally that there were some “very smart people” on the streets early in the rally, and he wondered why they were there. His comment was taken as an insult by many in the crowd, but it also highlighted the brash attitude that now permeates much of American society.

Some women who wear these hats do so as a statement of pride and solidarity with the women’s rights and political activism that had transpired throughout the past year. Others wear them simply to make a fashion statement, stating that their headpieces give them a certain sort of freedom and autonomy that many other women are unable to enjoy. Regardless of what the reason behind the wearing of this hat by those participating in the March for Women, the puss-filled look that is associated with this fashion staple has found its way as an icon of the women’s rights movement.

This pussy hat is popular among many groups of people who feel as though their rights are being trampled upon. There is no shortage of reasons as to why someone would choose to wear a hat that proudly displays the word “pussy.” It is an act of rebellion against the ever increasing feminist agenda in the United States and around the world. It is also a fashion statement, which is more common now than ever before. Whatever the reasoning, pussy hats are here to stay.
