Tiffany Lee’s Latest Career Move: Reuniting With Richard Nixon


There have been many rumors about Tiffany Lee over the years, all of them unfounded but often true enough. One of the more outlandish stories is that Tiffany Lee faked her death and eloped with Richard Nixon’s lover, Lisa Patton. Another story is that Lee was in fact adopted at birth by Richard Nixon’s mistress, stemming from a relationship she had as a young girl. Then there is the one about Lee getting Richard Nixon’s birth certificate, which came with a question mark and stating that it was not written by the former president. If these stories are true, one wonders why the question mark, which could only be placed by someone who knew what they were looking for, remains on the birth certificate.

Now, many people may question whether or not this tall woman is really who she claims to be, and whether or not her recent comments are true. After all, we know that celebrities often fudge the truth in order to impress the public. In this case, there is no real way to prove or disprove the stories surrounding Tiffany Lee’s early life. We can only assume that the public is being told a version of the truth through innuendos and well-crafted words. The public can decide if these tall tales are worthy of their time, but even then, some of the innuendos and creative wording could be considered as merely a clever way of putting words in someone else’s mouth.

This is not to say that these stories are not believable, nor do they reflect on Tiffany Lee as a person. Her public persona is one of dependability and stability, traits that make her an interesting (if somewhat polarizing) celebrity. But it is up to the public to determine if she has the personality to sustain a long and successful acting career, or if her image would not suffer should she try to play the same role again in a different genre of movies.
