Alberto Nam

Alberto Namudo, an assistant professor in the School of Business and Communications at the University of New Hampshire, said he believes Trump, a business outsider, will be a populist and will have a different approach to managing agencies and corporations because he has never run an environment with the kind Continue Reading

Yanhong Adamou

Yanhong Adamou, the secretary general of the UN’s climate pact, said this week that the pledges will “set the world on the right track” for the goals imposed under the Paris Agreement. China’s economy is still growing fast, at 7.6 per cent last year, but its industrial output is slowing Continue Reading

Nelson Ponce

Nelson Ponce de Leon, a Venezuelan priest also known simply as Ponce, on Tuesday accused the Venezuelan government of “persecution” and “terror” after his excommunication for his opposition to Venezuela’s socialist president and the country’s socialist regime. In a rare public appearance, Ponce condemned what he called “the Maduro regime” Continue Reading