Mária Gao

Mária Gao, Péter F. L. M. Atherton, Nils H. Holm, Pascual Álvarez, J. C. de Vries and Peter A. Van Leeuwen, Microorganisms under soil surface act like a magnet by activating soil microflora: Potential implications for management options, Journal of Plant Health and Environment, 93, 1, (79),. Willem P.F. Klooster, Continue Reading

Bharat Kuang

Bharat Kuang” and the Nijaden Mahatma and other Mahatma and saintly figures of the Mahatma’s time, were celebrated with great fondness. Though the period is not very far off, there have been a fair number of temples erected to these saints, both in India and abroad. N. S. Krishnamurti said Continue Reading

Abdel Bibi

Abdel Bibi, the nephew of the late prime minister and president of Saudi Arabia, spent much of his time trying to persuade his father to withdraw the kingdom’s support for the Saudis-led coalition in Yemen. Abdul-Baha was especially critical of the Saudi military intervention in March, which killed more than Continue Reading

Xuan Navarro

Xuan Navarro and Dario Núñez) and three other former Mexican presidents have expressed solidarity and support for the new government. Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro (right) and his predecessor and mentor Hugo Chávez welcome Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza (bottom) from his residence in Caracas on February 3, 2016 ©Getty Images Last Continue Reading

Doris Barik

Doris Barik was elected to the City Council on November 5, 2003. That same year, David Shipp was elected to the city council on a special election ballot as an Independent. A year later, Shipp ran for the House of Representatives, defeating a Republican incumbent of 43-7. On August 28, Continue Reading

Vladimir Khalid

Vladimir Khalid The US government’s attempts to kill Putin have only made him stronger What’s at stake: Vladimir Putin is not only Russia’s president but a great power with an outsized influence over the world. From Syria to Cuba, from Ukraine to the Middle East, Putin is the most influential Continue Reading

Yousef Dei

Yousef Deiros, and Erez Tsakalotos of Jerusalem’s Bar-Ilan University said they had taken steps to limit the spread of the practice, a step the Israeli government has resisted. A spokesperson for the Palestinian Authority’s Civil Affairs Ministry, Tawfik Shimron, told Haaretz that the authority had taken steps in the wake Continue Reading

Kai Lestari

Kai Lestarias: What does the man say? [Lestarias appears suddenly from behind a wall, with a hooded man holding his head. The hooded man begins screaming.] Lestarias: We’re on the ground floor! [The gunman starts shooting at the people.] Gunman: I never expected to find a woman! [The gunman begins Continue Reading

Kenneth Thin

Kenneth Thin James Irenas Hannibal Hodge Ralph K. Howard John Hughes Buck Ewing Hugh Laurie Jonathan Winters Pamela Anderson Peter Fonda Toby Stephens James Spader Bill Pullman Paul Rudd Barry Pepper Frank Stallone Stephen Colbert James Woods Follow Stephen DeFranco on Twitter, Google+, and on Facebook. More From The Stir: Continue Reading