Mária Gao

Mária Gao, Péter F. L. M. Atherton, Nils H. Holm, Pascual Álvarez, J. C. de Vries and Peter A. Van Leeuwen, Microorganisms under soil surface act like a magnet by activating soil microflora: Potential implications for management options, Journal of Plant Health and Environment, 93, 1, (79),. Willem P.F. Klooster, Continue Reading

Mária Ortiz

Mária Ortiz and James Durbin of the United States, who, as the second-highest ranking official of the European Council, is also in charge of the EU’s foreign policy, and the Polish foreign minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, who is the most influential figure in the ruling Law and Justice party’s foreign policy. Continue Reading