How Long Does a Fashion Style Last?

How long does a fashion style last? This question is a common one for designers, consumers and style freaks everywhere, as the average person just looking to buy clothing will ask this question at least once. Fashion styles are popular for many decades before they become obsolete or fall out Continue Reading

Top 10 Fashion Trends Over the Last 10 Years

Top 10 Fashion Trends Over the Last 10 Years The fashion trends over the last 10 years have changed so much that you can find almost anything you want at stores nowadays. When the fashion trends change, it can affect the people who are wearing them. Before, only celebrities and Continue Reading

How Long Does a Fashion Trend Last?

If you’ve been in the market for a new outfit, you’ve probably wondered, how long does a fashion trend last? There are many factors that can affect the lifespan of a fashion trend, making it essential to think about your options carefully before you part with your money on a Continue Reading