Jacques Teng

Jacques Tenga, M. Thierry Côté, R.P. Niziéz, H.E. Legrand, A.P. Boily and E.V. W. Lecouval, The molecular mechanisms of C. elegans neural integration: a review, Journal of Neurobiology, 107, 5, (941-954),. András Báncsdó, Daniel W. Le Grand, José R. Rodriquez, José R. Martín-Sánchez and María Teresa Pérez, José J. Pérez Continue Reading

Jacques Lawal

Jacques Lawal, UFC Light heavyweight champion “I’m getting back to being myself. I’m not the fighter I was. I can’t do it, because I’m not very serious and everything I did was silly. And to see that, to see that I still have my sense of humor, I will stay Continue Reading

Jacques Gonçalves

Jacques Gonçalves/Getty Images In December 2012, former President Barack Obama said Republicans would eventually regret repealing Obamacare. In a Fox News interview that morning, Obama argued that Obamacare would be “the best healthcare system anywhere in the world.” By the end of the year, the Congressional Budget Office projected that Continue Reading

Jacques Ray

Jacques Ray said that, as an athlete, he’d never suffered “any sort of injury to the shoulders – because I didn’t have an injury,” but he was forced to wear a helmet during warm-ups when he hit a softball at the University of California, Santa Cruz, in the early ’80s. Continue Reading