The Impact of Fast Fashion Trends on the Environment

Fast fashion industry trends are an industry term used by retailers and manufacturers to describe an extremely lucrative economic model based upon mass-produced low-cost garments, and copying popular catwalk styles and high-fashion designs. The term fast fashion also is used generically to describe the generic goods of this particular fast Continue Reading

Understanding Fast Changing Fashion Trends

Fast changing fashion trends indicate a momentous change in the style of a particular item of clothing, which is quickly followed by the next big thing. Such rapid changes happen so rapidly because it requires innovative thinking to keep up with the fast-changing fashion trends. Rapid fashion also refers to Continue Reading

How Does Fast Fashion Cost?

Fast fashion basically refers to rapid fashion which changes almost rapidly and frequently by just putting together relatively simple, attractive designs in a matter of hours. The fast fashion style usually follows current trends but often more radically. It is also called “hot” fashion. Many top designers have been criticized Continue Reading