Roger Soe

Roger Soeiro, Head of Marketing, PPC Specialist at Facebook, said: “Facebook has developed an incredible amount of data from the mobile applications we’ve launched over the past year, so we’ve been able to use that information and use it to drive relevant marketing messages and tools for our users.” Marketing Continue Reading

Ei Maseeh

Ei Maseeh, an executive committee member of the BME Community Action Group in London, said there was a clear case for the Government to look at ways of introducing compulsory work experience in schools, as other countries, such as Sweden, have done successfully. He added: “But the Government can’t be Continue Reading

Juana Shimizu

Juana Shimizu is in the U.S. on research grants to study a parasite that causes malaria, and she’s been diagnosed with two other sexually transmitted infections. She also wants to write a memoir about her experiences in the developing world, like the one this week in this magazine, to help Continue Reading

Lyudmila Babu

Lyudmila Babuya, a former member of the Soviet parliament. Since then, Babuya has traveled the world to meet with members of the Jewish community and foreign governments. She is among the world’s most respected public intellectuals. During the meeting in March 2010 with Palestinian officials and an Arab Israeli delegation, Continue Reading