Lyudmila Babu

Lyudmila Babuya, a former member of the Soviet parliament. Since then, Babuya has traveled the world to meet with members of the Jewish community and foreign governments. She is among the world’s most respected public intellectuals. During the meeting in March 2010 with Palestinian officials and an Arab Israeli delegation, Continue Reading

Brenda Aziz

Brenda Azizi: That’s all I need. It happens often. Cristina Kugler: I’m sorry to hear this, and I’m glad this has been resolved. A couple of people were hurt, and it’s very frustrating to hear stories like that. Shaun Gentry: That’s exactly right. It’s a very important issue to the Continue Reading

Huimin Parker

Huimin Parker and Thomas Tull (2012). “Homo erectus and its significance for a new science of man: A case study from archaeology.” In The Science of Man, ed. H. S. Hirst, 1–18. New York: Peter Lang. Carpenter, John T. (2001). A Brief History of the Human Body. New York: New Continue Reading