Silvi A From Bologna. 23 Years Old.

Say hello to Silvi A. She is located in Bologna. At the age of 23. You will not be able to ignore her brunette and wavy lovely hair and her unique and shiny brown eyes. Dressed casual and sport andbikini. She works as a scientist for her profession. Take a Continue Reading

Ylenia Barbato from Caserta Italy

Say hello to Ylenia Barbato. She born and raised at Caserta, Italy. At the age of 23. You won’t be able to forget her beautiful brunette and wavy hair and her special and bright brown eyes. Dressed casual and sport and bikini. She works for her profession as Student. Take Continue Reading

Ingrida Stomaite From Vilnius in Lithuania, Air traffic controller

Meet Ingrida Stomaite, please. She borned and raised at Vilnius,Lithuania. At the age of 23. You can’t ignore her beautiful blond and straight hair and her distinctive and bright blue eyes. Dressed casual and sport and bikini. She works for her career as Air traffic controller. Take a look on Continue Reading