Online Harassment Photos


Abigail Green is currently the center of attention in regard to Nationality, Height and Love interests. Ms. Green was recently in the news due to an argument with a man she met in an internet dating chat room. In that conversation, Abigail Green claimed that she had been the victim of racial profiling and that her date was a Pakistani national. Following this interaction, the matter was discussed on various blogs and various media outlets, with various people coming to their own conclusions as to what exactly occurred between Ms. Green and this man.

There have also been other reported cases of Nationality profiling in the past. An 18-year-old Canadian girl was recently reported by her parents to have been the target of online stalkers that targeted her with messages and pictures pertaining to being โ€œracially profiledโ€ at an early age. There were also instances in which two teenage girls from Australia were reported by their parents to have been the targets of racial abuse and taunting online at an early age, with the taunts resulting in them feeling โ€œless secureโ€ with their own identity and nationality. In both of these situations, the victims were young, and yet they still managed to go on to report the crimes to the police in each case, and in some cases to the authorities in their respective countries in order to help them apprehend the suspects in question, though in both cases, the victims themselves had determined that they would rather remain anonymous with their alleged abusers.

Abigail Greenโ€™s case is interesting and is worthy of note due to the significant information it provides about Nationality, Gender, Age, Height and Love Interests. Although it is unclear what caused Green to feel targeted by the men she was seeing online at the time of the chat session in question, there is no doubt that such profiling is taking place, and that such targeting occurs frequently on the internet, with many people using fake or stolen identities to pursue love interests that simply donโ€™t meet the expectations or standards of the user. Abigail Greenโ€™s story provides a perfect example of how easily people can be drawn into potentially abusive relationships based on factors unrelated to ones own age, nationality or race, all of which could have been avoided by being more careful or by not sharing personal details online.
