Nationality And Age


Tiffany Justice is an interesting Nationality/Age trend. The premise of the book is that Tiffany is an adopted child who was raised in foster homes and was used as a CNA in nursing homes for much of her life. She is an intelligent woman and she tries to get into law school, but gets rejected time again. Finally she turns to writing and she has one very interesting novel that deals with race, height, nationality, adoption, and the law. It’s not a very long book and is certainly worth reading, but it will make you think about certain things about the nature of Nationality and Age.

Tiffany’s partner, Thomas B. Irvin, is much shorter than her and his parents were as a child. Tiffany does wonder why he never got the encouragement and support he needed as a child from his parents and she wonders if Nationality and height are factors in whether people like you get ahead in life. She writes about the Nationality question a lot and even speculates as to whether height really matters to employers (and even the government) or it’s just that they see tall people as smart and so they might hire you over a short person. I was definitely taken by this and think that it’s an interesting topic of study and that it would be interesting to see research on this. Tiffany also spends a lot of time talking about how important height is in certain aspects of life, such as getting a job, getting a promotion, a love life, dating and more.

Overall, this was an interesting book on a very interesting subject. If you are an older person or think you might be interested in Nationality and Age, this is a great little book to read. It might even inspire you to take up Nationality yourself and try to get that promotion or get that raise that you deserve. It might be just what we need to bring more people into the world and make the world a better place.
