Mária Gao


Mária Gao, Péter F. L. M. Atherton, Nils H. Holm, Pascual Álvarez, J. C. de Vries and Peter A. Van Leeuwen, Microorganisms under soil surface act like a magnet by activating soil microflora: Potential implications for management options, Journal of Plant Health and Environment, 93, 1, (79),.

Willem P.F. Klooster, Marius J.E. Gouda and M. Jans R. M. Schippers, Evaluation of soil surface soil surface microbial communities using soil microaerobes, Environmental Microbiology, 27, 6, (1115-1126),.

Zoubin Ghahra, Saed Kazi, Mohammed al Jalal, H. S. al-Sakki and A. S. Ghannam, Effects on the Growth and Biochemical Properties of Different Soil Microbial Communities, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 57, 8, (1285),.

D. Paredes-Pascual, A. R. Alves and M. E. García-García, A meta-analysis of plant and mineral nutrients in the environment: a case for soil, Biogeochemistry, 107, 2, (163),.

Willem P.F. Klooster, Marius J.E. Gouda and M. Jans R. M. Schippers, Effect of soil temperature and moisture on the microbial community in soil from farm-to-table: the example of a sugarcane production system, Environmental Microbiology, 8, 9, (1925),.

Pascual Álvarez, Jón López-Barceló, József A. Pérez, Mónica E. Pérez-Rodríguez, José L. Vázquez, José M. Paredes and Miguel E. J. Salas-Arán, The microflora of the peat bogs of northern Brazil: Effects of temperature, salinity, nutrient availability and the presence of agrobacterium from an industrial site, Environmental Pollution, 102, 1-2, (95),.

Yin Li, Lianli Li, Yan Yang

Mária Gao

Location: Guadalajara , Mexico
Company: Volkswagen