Make Tiffany Reisz Your Partner For Life


Tiffany Reisz was born in Milwaukee and raised in New Jersey. She is the founder of Reisz Communications, a communications agency that serves the travel industry. She served as an agent for many of the top corporations in the world, including Lufthansa Airlines, Continental Airlines, United Airlines, American Airlines, US Airways and Continental Airlines. Prior to her work in the industry, Reisz worked as an assistant press secretary for the State Department and in the White House press office. Reisz enjoys traveling, talking with people, writing and always trying to improve people’s lives.

Reisz believes in treating people the same regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, or even height difference. Reisz believes in treating people the same regardless of their race, religion, or country of origin. Tiffany Reisz believes if you treat people with kindness and respect no matter what their race, religion, or country of origin you will create successful professionals. Tiffany Reisz has become known as an expert speaker on many topics including relationships, productivity, leadership, sales and management and sexuality.

Reisz believes in the power of positive thinking and encourages individuals to become more optimistic and confident. If you have a height difference it can make it difficult to date other people who are of the same height as you. Reisz offers dating services where she mentors people of all ages on how to meet the perfect partner. If you want a career change or are tired of being held back by your height, Reisz can help you reach your goals and develop new skills that will benefit you in your professional and personal life. Tiffany Reisz is an innovative professional who is full of life and always wants to help others succeed.
