Is Adam Mosseri Right About Twitter?


Adam Mosseri

Is Adam Mosseri Right About Twitter?

Like many teenagers, I am addicted to Twitter and like many teenagers I want to be accepted for who I am and not judged by how I look or what my job is or what I have accomplished. Like millions of teenagers, I also want to be a superstar and be appreciated for my achievements in my career or education. But being a superstar or an achiever does not mean I should or must use social networking sites to achieve that. Social networking sites are not the way of achieving these goals.

Like Instagram famous twitter star Adam Mosseri, I too have spoken out about how social media can be a hindrance to personal success. Just like Adam Mosseri, Twitter co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey recently spoke out about how social media can be a detriment to personal success. Jack Dorsey recently stated on the earnings call with analysts that Facebook was no longer a company in the same sense that Google was a company. In fact, he went as far as saying that he saw twitter as a competitor and not a competitor. Twitter recently released a limited beta version of their mobile app for the iPhone and iPod touch which puts less emphasis on retweets and likes, which may bode well for the struggling social network.

Whether or not Adam Mosseri or Jack Dorsey are right (or wrong) about their assessment of twitter is irrelevant. The fact remains that millions of people are using this platform every day and they continue to do so because they enjoy the benefits it gives them. So, if the platforms are obstacles for entrepreneurial aspirations, what is the remedy? The solution lies in the keynote speaker and motivational speakers that help guide, motivate and inspire you to achieve your dreams. In fact, I believe Adam Mosseri and Jack Dorsey are the perfect fit for this very important task.
