Omer Adam, Israel’s First Arab Music Recording Star


Omer Adam is not available at the moment. The author of this web site who goes by the name of “Omer”, has been trying for some time to get Omer Adam released into this world. The reason he got me involved in this is because I have read about this man from my grandmother and other people. My mission was to find out as much as I could about Omer Adam so that I could do the same thing that he is doing.

My goal was to discover everything I could on Omer Adam and the life that he led before going into hiding. I discovered that Omer Adam was born in Israel, worked with the CIA, Mossad and Intel. He had also been married three times. All of these are very important things to learn about in this day and age when people like myself and others think that there is no such thing as a “social media”. I learned that the true meaning of “social media” is different than what most people seem to understand the meaning of it.

We must remember that these people who we consider to be “celebrities” or “rock stars” are just normal human being like everyone else on the planet. That means that Omer Adam may not be able to legally sue any of the media outlets or the blogs or websites that I mentioned above, but he can take heart in the fact that he is certainly a very successful Israeli singer who sings about peace and love and is a certified Arabic-language vocalist. There is no doubt that Omer Adam is an excellent artist and quite accomplished as an artist and a singer. I am not sure that we will ever see an Omer Adam video online or hear his music on the radio or maybe if we do, it will be some kind of a commercial. But one thing is for sure; The song, “olitam alekom”, is a song written about his life and the people he met on the path to becoming an Israeli singer.
