Does Height Difference Cause Marriage Problems?


Casey Coulter was born to a prominent family in Southern California. He grew up and was groomed to be a lawyer. After high school, he went on to study for his degree at Santa Barbara University and earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the California State University of Polytechnic. After graduation, he served in the Air Force as a paralegal before going into the writing field. He then took up writing full-time and has been writing ever since.

What does it mean when a guy is said to have an average height difference to his partner? The average height difference referred to here is the difference in height of someone who is average in height to his partner while that person is very tall or very short. How can a guy have such an unnatural physical condition? There are several reasons for this oddity.

One reason is that he might have come from a nationality which is considered as short. A person with a very short nationality may end up being shorter than his partner in his country. This happens more so in countries that are in the former Eastern Europe or other ethnically similar areas. As far as Casey Coulter is concerned, his height difference is nothing to be ashamed of, and he hopes that it will never become a handicap in his love life.
