Bernard Casey – The Height barrier is Just a Part of Life


Bernard Casey is the tallest ever professional basketball player. Standing at 7 feet and weighing in at a hefty 223 pounds, the Australian has been able to combine his size with an uncommon grace for a big man. His ability to score and block, along with a reliable free throw stroke have made him one of the most valuable players for his team. He has become an all time high school basketball player for the United States.

It wasn’t all smooth sailing though as Bernard left college after his sophomore year because of a dispute between the school and the NBA over his enrollment. Although he had previously committed to play for the Australian National Team, he was unable to participate due to his contract with the NBA. Although Casey had to miss the whole season, he has managed to make himself a household name through the years, with several biographies being released about his life and career. Besides the books, he has also been involved in numerous other media outlets, giving interviews and discussing his views on his achievements and career.

Bernard Casey’s height is not just measured by the number of games played or the number of assists made, but also by the impact that his height makes on people. Growing up in Australia, a country with a moderate climate, most people are used to taller people taking up the spotlight. Being such an oversized person however, requires a different kind of treatment. Because of his unusual height, many assumed that he would be unable to lead a normal life, and that his career would be limited to serving his country in the Basketball International tournament. Fortunately, his case proved that being short is just a part of being human. Thanks to Casey’s courage and determination, people around the world can now enjoy the true value of being tall.
