Jacques Teng


Jacques Tenga, M. Thierry Côté, R.P. Niziéz, H.E. Legrand, A.P. Boily and E.V. W. Lecouval, The molecular mechanisms of C. elegans neural integration: a review, Journal of Neurobiology, 107, 5, (941-954),.

András Báncsdó, Daniel W. Le Grand, José R. Rodriquez, José R. Martín-Sánchez and María Teresa Pérez, José J. Pérez López, Francisco M. González, Juan Carlos P. Gómez, Javier E. Castillo, Isabela I. García and José Báez, Differential roles of insulin signalling pathways in glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity and metabolic syndrome, Hormones and Behavior, 63, (27),.

Ankur K. Dhir, Rama Gopalakrishnan, Pankaj Patel, Harshak Mohan, Sanjeev Aggarwal, Shailesh Kumar, Bala Gopalapilli, Tapan Agarwal, K.K. Ram, Y.P. Sharma and Ravi Kishore, Identification and characterization of the glycosylation site and proteolytic cleavage sites of the cationic glycosyltransferase FV13, for characterization of the glycosylation sites for glycosylation-related glycosylation, Free Radical Research, 49, 2, (191),.

Jenna R. Reardon, Andrew D. Strom, Lillian A. Davis, John M. Hagen, Mark D. Chisnall, Michael J. C. Lee, Jody A. Kupfer, Matthew F. Martin, Daniel L. Kupfer, David A. Miller and Charles G. Young, Differential gene expression profiles revealed by DNA microarray in the neurogenic mouse and by microarray of blood vessels of adult Drosophila melanogaster, Journal of Neurobiology, 102, 3, (1318-1330),.

Miguel Serrano, Raul Cervantes and José A. Salomón, The transcription Factor HSP90 and the regulatory factors PGC1α and HSP90 regulate gene expression in

Jacques Teng

Location: Alexandria , Egypt
Company: Yum China
