A Personal Review on Eliana Spatar


Eliana Spatar has been catapulted to fame and stardom, all thanks to her first marriage to Richard Simons. The former Miss Colombia was married to a famous US politician but then she went on to marry the man of her dreams, Richard Simons. Unfortunately for Eliana Spatar, her marriage didn’t last long and they separated after only 6 months of their wedding. Although their separation was amicable, it left a void in their hearts as they both desired to be with one another again.

Years later, when they met again, Eliana finally decided to give Richard a chance, which he obviously refused. This was because he loved his work as a motivational speaker and wanted to pursue his acting career, which in this time period was focused on stage productions instead of movies. However, Eliana wanted her old career back and decided to ask Richard’s help by offering him the chance to be part of her new job as a writer and careerist. But before she could get Richard on board, Eliana had to win him over with her physique, so she went on to show off her great body in a string bikini that made everybody who saw her think that she was slim and fit.

As soon as her appearance and the media exposure got out, Richard was hooked. She became a celebrity overnight, and Richard, not wanting to be left behind, offered to pay her fifty thousand dollars a month as her partner. Her response was to take the offer. Ever since then, their bond has strengthened and they have enjoyed each other’s company.
