The Exotic World of Eliana Lancellotti


Eliana Lancellotti is the perfect example of a woman who has achieved great success in her chosen field and yet looks beyond that to the world at large. She is an Italian internationalist and was once an aide to Pope Innocent III. In fact, she served as a secret agent for the Italian government, carrying out secret assignments for the Holy See. Today, she lives in Rome, continuing to work hard in her chosen career as a writer and public speaker.

Born in Turin, Italy, Eliana’s childhood was spent studying dance in both her native tongue and the one she now calls “English.” As such, she has had very little time to dwell upon her heritage, other than to say that her family was Italian. However, when it came time for her to make an academic career, she switched to the field of law, going to the University of Louvain in France where she earned a law degree. Later in life, she pursued writing full time and has produced several novels to her credit. It was while she was still a law student that she decided to take on the publishing life and has now written several best-selling novels that display her talents as a writer.

The publishers that have brought Eliana Lancellotti’s name to the public are, of course, delighted that a famous former spy, now a popular writer, is willing to sign their contracts. As such, they are eager to give her the opportunity to tell her story to the world. For that reason, the book tours are busier than ever, with booksellers eager to secure the rights to her books so that they can market them as best they can.
