The History of Fashion Trends in America


The history of fashion in America is quite a colorful one. Fashionable trends are not only seen in this country but all over the world and America have had a large role to play. In fact, the fashion in America has been continuously evolving and changing throughout the years. For instance, fashions used to be very restricted in America during the colonial era, but once the slaves were freed, fashion changed and allowed more freedom for women to make their own choices. This movement towards more individualism began at the end of the Civil War and has continued ever since.

Fashionable trends in America tend to follow certain routes in time. As an example, fashions were often reserved for the upper class that could afford expensive garments, such as frocks and gowns. However, as this segment of the population became more affluent, fashions were redefined to suit lower class homes and the need for more affordable clothing increased. Throughout this long history of fashion in America, affordability and availability have always been important factors, which have affected the popularity of particular fashions.

Today, fashions can be seen everywhere, even in the smallest towns and this is a testament to the popularity of fashion. A look at history will show that fashions have always undergone changes and evolutions. Therefore, it is easy to understand why Americans continue to be attracted to new fashions and why they continue to shape the shape of fashion in America and around the world. Today, fashions and trends can be found in every mall, boutique, and a department store.
