Partnering With Sandra Samir


Sandra Samir is an Egyptian national professional tennis player, widely regarded as the best female player of the game. She is popularly known as the National Electronic Sports Athlete (NETA). She is thirty-six years old and has played over fifteen different sports including ice skating, swimming, tennis, golf and track running. Sandra started playing tennis at the age of twelve and in the last three years she has been nominated for the Australian Open Tennis Championship three times.

There are many interesting facts about Sandra Samir and her Partner, both of which have helped her attain a number of notable awards, most notably being the International Federation of Association and Sports Medicine (IFCSM), Professional Female Wrestler of the Year, the Female Athlete of the Year and the Sports Writer of the Year. There is no doubt that Sandra has a natural winning edge over her opponents due to her height and strength but even with these assets she still needs a partner who can complement her skills and give her the drive to succeed on the hard court. Here are a few of the advantages that having a partner who is the same height as her gives to the player:

Height is one of the most important factors in a sports competition or match. The taller you are, the more advantage you have in reaching the basket. Even if you have the greatest lead, it is useless if your opponent can steal the ball from you. Another advantage that having a partner who is the same height as me gives me is the fact that I can use my height advantage whenever possible. For example, I often jump from the baseline when defending a point shot and switch to an outside shot when my opponent is holding on to the ball. This way I am able to get the ball out of his hands and make it go where I want it to go.
