How Aboard The Busy Train Of Sandra Semberg


Sandra Semburg is known for being tall and strong both in looks and personality. She has played an integral part as both a contestant on the reality show “Survivor” over the last 15 years, where she has attained a national degree as an English professor at the University of Maine. She has also worked as a counselor, a social worker and a labor organizer and has gained a great deal of knowledge and understanding of how to make a difference in her field of specialization which was teaching social work. This has allowed her to gain a deep insight into what it takes to be a good leader, a good teacher and a good leader for children of different nationalities and races.

Over the years, Sandra has developed a strong belief in self-worth and commitment to herself and her fellow human being which she calls “conscientiousness.” This conviction and her commitment to her fellow human being have led her to have a strong commitment to becoming a Board Certified Social Work Nurse with the American Counseling Association as well as serving as an Executive Director for the International Rescue Committee and as a consultant with the United Nations High Commission for refugees. She has also served as an adjunct professor at the University of Washington’s Counseling and Psychological Therapy programs for the last two decades. All of these endeavors have been key factors which have enabled her to achieve the heights of success that she is currently enjoying. As a result of all of these endeavors, Sandra Semberg is in a position to offer advice on how to become a successful and effective Board Certified Professional Registered Nurse and should she choose to do so, she would be a very proud and fortunate woman indeed.

The one common thread that ties a great many professionals together with Sandra Semberg is the common desire to help others in need and improve the world around them. Whether she is helping someone who is newlyweds and struggling with the day-to-day difficulties of marriage or helping an older senior citizen who has experienced many years of struggle and heartache, the common denominator that can be seen in the career path of almost every professional that is like minded with Sandra Semberg is a desire to help those in need of improving their quality of life. Her willingness to offer her expertise on many different topics pertaining to marital status, family law, elder law, traumatic brain injury, criminal law and other areas of professional expertise will no doubt continue to propel her to the heights of success that she is achieving today.
