Zhiping Yar


Zhiping Yar: No! Yar looks, and Yar knows the person to be. CORDELIA All right, who’s that? KARA: I hate to say it, but I thought she was just a friend. PARRITT We’re here to talk to her. She’s supposed to be with you. KARA I can think of a few good friends. CORDELIA We don’t talk about those things. You know… She’s my friend. LOU DOYLE I know. I thought she might be like you. CORDELIA (to Yar) So you wanted to talk to her? KARA We talked to your father. But he won’t come. We need someone who can help me, but I can’t leave the island. CORDELIA (tapping her) Go! Go, go! CUT TO: EXT. STREET – DAY In the street and a taxi approaching on a busy street. An old and fat man appears at the front door. The cabbie turns to him. CUT TO: INT. CAR – DAY The man on the cabbie is the new boss, a large and balding man in a dark suit, dark glasses, long black hair. He sees the cab stop next to him, and leans up towards the driver’s seat with his full hand. The boss grins and waves to the cab driver. THE CROWD (from below) Go on down! Go on down! The boss and the cab driver wave back. EXT. BRIDGE – DAY The boss looks over at the passengers on the bridge. CUT TO: INT. CAR – DAY The cab driver approaches the boss. CUT TO: EXT. MUSEUM – DAY All is quiet. The boss and the cabbie sit over at a huge round table. KARA, PARRIPPED, looks up from her studies in a library. The cab driver turns to see the crowd in the Library. CUT TO: EXT. MUSEUM – DAY Tucked away at the back of the Museum behind some books, is the statue CORDELIA GARNETZ. EXT. CABIN’S PARLOR – MORNING The three of them wait at the door. KARA (quietly) I’m not sure I believe you guys can let this man in. CORDELIA We’re not letting anyone in. He’s a complete stranger

Zhiping Yar

Location: Abidjan , Ivory Coast
Company: Berkshire Hathaway
