Yasmin Monros – A Thriving Career in the Newspaper Business


Yasmin Marques was born in Lagos, Nigeria and is a practicing Muslim. She grew up studying ballet, until one day she discovered that she had an incredible talent for writing. In her early years as a writer, she went to the United Kingdom to get a degree in journalism but felt that it wasn’t right for her. However, after studying in England, she realized that this is what she wanted to do for the rest of her life, so she returned to Nigeria and began working as a reporter for a publishing company. Recently, she has gained international attention when her experience as a freelancer brought her to develop her own publishing company, titled Youth International Network, and launched a new website called Yasmin’s Own, where she provides her expertise and knowledge of fashion and writing.

Now, Yasmin Marques has achieved a great level of fame as a writer and publisher, not only in Nigeria but across the globe. One of the most important factors that helped her to achieve this level of success is her admirable height and slim body frame. As she has stated in a few interviews, people’s ideas about a curvy woman often include being overweight, which helped her overcome this stigma and become what she is today. She attributes this to the fact that as a child, she always suffered from low self-esteem due to her small height. However, through hard work and determination, she finally achieved her desired weight, at a size ten. Today, she is proud to state that she is not fat, despite her tiny height and body frame.

The beauty of this story is that she has become a successful, established and popular author in her thirties. She has also achieved a high level of respectability for being a woman in the African community, even having received several honors for her contributions to the community and industry. In fact, one of the reasons why she decided to start her own business was because of the lack of success she experienced in her previous profession. She finally realized that being a journalist was not what she wanted to do. Although she is very thankful that she was able to start her own business in her forties, she greatly regrets not having started sooner. Her message to young women is that with determination and persistence, any woman can reach her full potential in her chosen profession.
