Yasmin Giacomini


Yasmin Giacomini was born in Pologne and became a British citizen after the war. She had a very interesting career as a nurse, working for the British Army where she had the opportunity to travel the world and was active in conflicts in Indochina, Vietnam and Egypt. She married a French man and they had two children. When the wife became ill, Giacomini took her to France for the best treatment, but unfortunately, the age of 65 resulted in the death of her spouse. She travelled to Britain to live with her brother who had come to visit from England and was therefore able to continue studying English at college in Woolmershire.

One of the jobs that she pursued in London was as an actress and part of this job she worked as a translator for many films made in Britain and throughout Europe. This is the period when people started thinking of becoming an expatriate and going to a foreign country to work and settle there. One of the things that make an expatriate is their ability to speak another language. This is one of the requirements needed for an Expat visa if you wish to live in Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the UK.

At the age of 67, she began travelling through Italy and stayed there for five years. This was also while she continued to study English and to prepare for the tests for British citizenship. The birth of her fourth child made this even more difficult and she felt that this was her time. But she did not want to leave her three children, born in Italy, behind. It is possible to stay as a British national if you are over the age of 65 but it has to be proven that your nationality or citizenship of origin is still valid at the time of your application.
