Yasmin Decontti From Hungary Born And Raised There Is Passionate About Her Job


Yasmin Decontti is a thirty seven-year-old woman with the accent of an eastern European lady. She has a dark skin and blue eyes and is tall and slim. She wears a deep red dress which is in the autumn of 2021 and is usually used as a cover up for her long hair, which is always cut straight across and not layered or braided, giving her the appearance of long legs. Other than that she also wears knee length skirts and usually wears the same color jewelry and make up as her colleague.

The day after this interview was held, the woman had come to be the assistant of a rather well known producer from Cannes, Gilles Jacob. She had joined him as he developed his movie based on life events that are often associated with nationality or religion. The movie is called โ€œThe Camp of the Saintsโ€ and as you can see there is a lot of nationalities represented here. The producers assistants are all from France, Germany, Russia, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Turkey, Chile and a lot of other countries. Itโ€™s a bit unrealistic but it shows how globalized the whole world is.

This young woman came to us to do an interview to be part of this company and to share her knowledge of film making. We asked her what age bracket she fits into and she answered thirty-five years old. But according to our understanding nationality and age do not matter much in this case as the film company wants someone who will bring value to the organization.
