Xuemei Ly


Xuemei Lyueng and Zang Xingfu was the last, the most important player in the lineup. He played all the roles, both offensive and defensive. Lyueng managed to pick up 3 MVP awards, 2 Rookie awards, and 2 Golds in the process. Lyueng was always known for his consistent performance; he never left the game without a kill. His presence in the Korean scene can be seen as a good omen for the rest of his career.

DongRaeGu’s role in the team is even more interesting. This is the only roster where DongRaeGu has not yet won the MVP award. He is also the only player on this list who is known to not play AD carries, and when he plays carries he tends to play with AP. This leaves a gap for him to carry the carries. This gap has made him even more impactful. The same can be said for the rest of the players; they are mostly known for their picks and bans.

On the other hand, this may be a bit of a fluke. There may be some reasons for not being considered as a first place pick. Perhaps JinAir lost games to them because they did not play a good early game. Or maybe they were just not the best team. Whatever the reason, their ability to survive even in the top 3 is worth mentioning.

In order to break through, both teams need to show improvements. Both teams need to win individual individual leagues. Unfortunately, both the teams are currently in an odd situation. Jin Air has won 3 MVP awards in a row and has been picked off of a top 3 team twice in that time. Their individual standings however don’t improve. Both Jin Air and Najin White Shield have only won one, and that was one of the worst teams both teams’ve been to so far. At the same time, Jin Air has managed to stay in the top 3 since the beginning of Champions.

Spartak has not yet won an individual league, but they’re a bit closer to achieving that goal. They’re slightly behind the Jin Air and Najin White Shield teams, but just enough up to the top 3. The SKT1 players are not known for their individual play, but they play solid and efficient, especially against weak junglers.

There is a good possibility that both Jin Air and SKT1 will climb back up their individual ranks in the

Xuemei Ly

Location: Dar Es Salaam , Tanzania
Company: Carrefour
