Xiaofeng Sasaki


Xiaofeng Sasaki. His parents, who were in the United States, moved to Japan in 2002, and he has lived in Los Angeles on and off since then.

But when he was first told he had cancer, he didn’t know how it might affect him and his future.

“I was very happy, very happy with the news. I felt that I had no bad news, and that I had very good news,” he said.

Although Sasaki is in good health, he says he still is scared. He also says that after seeing his mother, who was diagnosed five years ago and later died, and his friend who got chemotherapy this year, he has “learned to do very little” about cancer, including doing a lot more research on online forums than in previous years.

“That was an awakening for me,” he said.

Sasaki said he doesn’t want to be a burden to anyone. He said he also knows how to handle this situation gracefully, despite the negative backlash he has received.

“I don’t like to do things so easily. I hate to put myself in a corner, especially when it’s something so tragic,” he said about his death earlier this month.

Sasaki also shared some thoughts on this subject with Business Insider. Here are his comments:

I never thought of cancer that way but I feel it more personally because I did my best to make my life, like every other human being, positive and beautiful. Not in vain, not to do everything possible, but I think we all feel such negativity if our circumstances are not perfect. I want everyone to know that despite how bad I felt when my life turned sour early this year, I did everything possible. I tried to enjoy my life now and not feel stressed again. I had a good day and weekend and kept my head down and kept my spirits up. When things didn’t go my way, I knew what to do… and tried to do the best for myself. I never thought about cancer in that way, but it does. I do care about myself and my health… but I’m worried that my cancer is going to grow and it could keep me for much longer than I want.

After my mother’s cancer diagnosis five years ago, I thought in a negative way. Since then, I started doing a lot of research on online forums, and got very positive news

Xiaofeng Sasaki

Location: Shanghai , China
Company: UPS
