Worst Women’s Fashion Trends


Worst Women’s Fashion Trends

The worst women’s fashion trends seem to be centered around low cut tops and Gothic clothing. The goth girls are wearing very revealing outfits while covering their bodies with tattoos and piercings. I believe that society is being dictated by the media more and women are not feeling comfortable within these fashion trends. If society dictates what is sexy then women should be able to wear what they want. I also believe that women should have the freedom to choose which clothes to make them feel good about themselves rather than be forced into any fashion trend.

The new big fashion trend for the ladies seems to be to wear low cut blouses with puffy, clear bra straps. I believe that the shoulder pads are a necessity for this style because if you are out shopping then you can’t be caught in anything that does not have a shoulder pad. This new trend has made a lot of women extremely happy because they no longer have to put up with big, baggy shirts or ugly looking scarves. Crocs have really come a long way in the women’s shoes department.

I think one of the most annoying fashion trends is the short, ugly high heel. I would much prefer to see a nice, pretty pair of stilettos instead. Besides the height issue, this type of shoe just looks tacky and cheap. There have been quite a few celebrities who have been trying out the new crop of high-heeled women’s sandals and honestly I am impressed. The trend seems to be going away and now it is time to get out and embrace the new styles.
