Worst Male Fashion Trends From the 1970s and 1980s


Fashion is a fickle lover. Smooth Operator would be an absolute reference to the worst male fashion trends from the 70s and 80s. It’s studded with photos (including the ones that it made famous) of shirtless (or nearly so) men who looked like they were thrown out of a body builder’s routine. They wore things like tight jeans, baggy shirts, enormous belt buckles, and weird colors that weren’t even colors most people thought could be fashionable or sexy.

The best fashion advice you could ever get would be to avoid being a member of this particular clan at all costs. Thankfully, there are other members of that clan that are more sensible and less self-destructive. Fashion gurus agree that there are certain key pieces of clothing that, if worn on their own, can make any man feel better about themselves and even radiate self-confidence rather than self-inflicted shame.

In addition to helping men look better, certain stylish pieces are designed to help women look, feel better, as well as exude self-confidence. That’s why some fashion gurus think that the French fashion model Christian Dior is one of the best models in the world right now. (Not really, but fashion gurus do say she “carries the beat.” Her clothes are fabulous and totally out of range for most women, but they help to make women feel like they’re not just living out a stereotype, but are actually, on some level, beautiful. There’s a certain joy in feeling as though you’ve come up with the perfect outfit… even if you’re really not.)
