Worst Fashion Trends of the 21st Century


It seems that every year the worst fashion trends of the 21st century keep getting worse. What was a fashion faux pas a few years ago is now considered downright exploitation of the labor of poor people in third-world countries, and the cultural norms of the Western world. Fashion gurus claim that there is no way that anyone could look exactly like a model while dressed in a t-shirt with clashing bright neon pants. This is not so, as there are many ways that the clothes on the racks can be used to create a fashion faux pas. People who think that their fashion trends are always the latest and greatest, are often very disappointed when they cannot accessorize their outfits to match.

Even those who live in the most upscale cities of the West are subject to Fashion faux pas. New York has the dubious distinction of being home to the best clothing line on the planet, but the prices of their dresses are outrageously high. Worse, the quality of the clothing is questionable at best. Los Angeles has had a taste for the glamour of Hollywood glamour over the past few years, and their clothes are also top-notch. The average consumer can not afford to buy these garments, but the rich and famous keep buying them, and the quality remains high. These are two very different fashions of clothing.

The biggest fashion faux pas of the 21st century is the targeting of women’s fashion sense by manufacturers that produce lingerie. The desire to sell as many undergarments as possible has led manufacturers to use fabrics that are not only inferior in quality to those used in standard undergarments, but sometimes these fabrics are toxic to humans. While the designers and manufacturers of lingerie may claim that their products are made from natural fibers, anyone who has ever attempted to wear one of these garments has experienced discomfort after only a few hours of wear. Fashion trends come and go, but the damage that they can cause to a person’s self-esteem and body image cannot be overemphasized.
