Worst Fashion Trends of the 1990s


Worst Fashion Trends of the 1990s

When it comes to trying to figure out what the worst fashion trends of the 1990s are you may be surprised to see how many actually did manage to make it on the runway. Though not all fashions were terrible, there was definitely an overall lack of creativity when it came to fashion. From chunky platform heels to low-rise jeans and sparkly tips, here is a quick look behind some of the worse fashions from the decade. Remember when everything you saw was tacky? Here is a list of the trends that were way worse than they look now.

One of the worst trends of the 90s was low-rise jeans, which were just awful. Even with the short shorts on it made them look like they were made of elastic, which is really how they should be. If you were going to wear low rise jeans you might as well wear lace up boots. These are two of the main fashion trends of the decade and they are not anywhere near as popular as they once were. Even if you do not wear them often, you should still make sure that you keep up with the latest in low-rise fashion.

One of the worst trends of the decade was skinny jeans. These were a horrible combination of low rise jeans and big bell bottoms, which made them look like they were built of fiberglass. Though they never went out of style they never really gained much popularity so now they are back to where they were in the early 1990s. If you think that you would look cool in skinny jeans you should try V-necked jeans instead. The new V-neck cut is actually very flattering on wide shoulders and looks quite modern as well.
