Worst Fashion Trends of 2021


What are the worst fashion trends of the 21st century? In a word, they are trends that feature the use of plastic surgery to create unrealistic proportions on models and bodybuilders. The “in” fashion statement for this decade has been the “booty pants” style. And it’s not just women that have adopted these fashion trends; men have also taken up this fashion style, even though they are ridiculed by the public for doing so.

If you look around at the magazines that you buy every month, you will see that this year’s fashion trends are all about low-cut shirts, knee-high boots and low-rise jeans – and nothing else. As a result, the clothing industry is thriving with sales of clothing that offers barely-there accents to cover up the hideous bulges and excess skin that have become a signature of these fashion trends. Can you believe that there was a time when fashion was about looking good and staying in shape? Well, the “in” fashion statement for today is to hide everything, including your flaws, until you can get back into shape – then pin it on the outside where everyone can see it!

This is why I say that the “in” fashion trends this year are the boot-flat pants, the low-rise jeans and the skinny jeans. None of these trends are good for the body, but they do allow those who are unhealthily obese to still wear clothing that makes them look slim and attractive. The problem with this fashion statement is that they do not make anyone healthier, or any less ugly. Instead, they accentuate all of the things that we hate about our bodies: extra fat, stretch marks, saggy skin – all of which make us feel less than desirable. This is why it is essential that we fight the battle against these fashion trends head-on. It starts by refusing to be a part of the trend and standing firm with our own self-esteem and confidence.
