Working In The Translation Industry


Yasmin Karimi was born in Lagos, Nigeria and moved to Kuwait after completing secondary education. At the time of her graduation, she was working as a translator in order to support herself and her family. It was while translating for a British company that she fell in love with the City of Light’s appeal and decided to move there. In 2021, at the age of twenty-three, she was finally able to tie the knot with Alaa el Hussein, whom she had been dating since college.

Yasmin’s parents had both worked long in order to send her to school. However, as fate would have it, the war came and Yasmin’s country was invaded by Iraq. This brought a change in her life as her father lost his job and as a result could not afford to send her to school any longer. As a result, she enrolled in an online course that offered only distance learning and this enabled her to continue working as a translator. At this point, it was clear to her parents that she wanted to pursue a career in the field of translation which is led by the demand of the global market. With the support of her mother, who is also a lawyer, Yasmin pursued a degree in this subject from a renowned university and this led her to work in a number of different companies both locally and abroad.

After a few years working for several companies, Yasmin realized that she wanted a more stable career and therefore began to look at the possibility of moving to London, England to live and study full time at either a university or at one of the many language schools that are available throughout the city. Whilst doing so, she managed to earn herself a BA in English Language and a Diploma in Translation from King’s College London. After graduating, she quickly began to build a number of connections and experiences which greatly helped her achieve success once she began to look at language career options. As a result of all these contacts and her own determination to succeed, it was clear to her that translation is a good way to go and in less than five years she had successfully completed her degree and landed a job in the department of arts and sciences at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. Now, as a highly experienced and trained translator, she is aiming to establish both herself and her very own firm in the translation and interpretation industry.
