Will Cynthia Prosdocimi Be Able To Stay Legal While Pursuing Her Partner?


Cynthia Prosdocimi has been portrayed in the popular media as a fierce, no nonsense, tough, and no-nonsense women’s rights advocate. She is described as a Hispanic lawyer by virtue of her citizenship status; however, her real identity is Mexican-American. Although many might see a potential conflict of interest with her dual citizenship status, a closer examination of Ms. Prosdocimi’s background and legal career shows that she is an excellent candidate for sacking her dual citizenship position.

Prosdocimi is a prolific legal blogger who frequently writes about legal issues pertaining to immigration, criminal law, human rights, and higher education. Her extensive knowledge on matters of citizenship does not appear to conflict with her ability to handle her job as a lawyer. In fact, her legal work leaves much to be desired. It is not clear from public records how many times Cynthia Prosdocimi has changed her citizenship status. A search of the LexisNexis databases does not provide any records showing that she has renounced her United States citizenship.

One of the only ways to find out if Ms. Prosdocimi has ever renounced her citizenship is to ask her lawyer. Fortunately, there are some very good legal firms in Phoenix that would be happy to answer such questions. One prominent legal firm in the Phoenix area, headed by a former FBI agent, once did an investigation that showed that Prosdocimi had indeed twice renounced her citizenship. This may be a strong indication that she is trying to Dodge the radar, but it’s still unclear as to what exactly she plans to do with her American citizenship. On her personal blog, she refers to herself as “Mexican American” while emphasizing her Mexican heritage. The prospect of having two passports may be a wise choice for a lawyer who has a lot at stake if the case goes to trial.
