When Dana Chels became famous as a contestant on “The New American Idol,” she showed up in an orange jumpsuit and a blonde wig. She proudly proclaimed to the world that she was of nationality American, yet was born in Paris, Illinois. She further explained to the audience that she was a natural-born citizen of the United States, yet considered a Nationality by choice. This is not entirely true. In reality, Dana was listed as a Nationality in the very last paragraph of her application for a passport from her high school year book.
There are actually two distinctions that apply to the legal status of those born within the fifty states vs. those outside of them. Those born within the fifty states are automatically considered to be a United States citizen by birth, regardless of their choice of nationality, and if they reside outside of the fifty states they can only apply for a naturalization card with the assistance of a valid passport from one of the fifty states, which is still a legal identification card in its own right. The second distinction is that those who are in what is known as a dependent minor status are considered by the United States government to be a dependent nationwide, and are thus automatically considered as a United States Citizen regardless of their nationality or legal status. For example, a sixteen-year-old American would be considered a dependent minor under the law at any given point in time.
The bottom line is that if you were born in France, California, New York, Texas, or any other state, you are not a United States Citizen by Birth. If you were born outside of this country, however, you can apply for a naturalization card through the correct channels, but your odds of success will be much lower since you must first establish citizenship. In addition, if you become bankrupt, remarry, or suffer other grave financial circumstances, the bankruptcy will prevent any further applications for a United States passport until you can prove otherwise. So, if you really want a United States Passport, it is best to choose your nationality first and then apply.