Why Nationality and Height Are Not As Important As They Once Were


The Nationality: Juliana Bittencourt is a famous first line, female vocalist, composer, and guitarist. She has been known for her high quality work in music and television, with numerous accolades under her belt. Her career has spanned genres and touched the lives of millions. It is clear that Juliana Bittencourt is part of a select group of nationalities which have attained stardom in their own respective times.

Height and Nationality: Although Juliana Bittencourt is not very tall or very large-boned, she fits the description perfectly, as an artist of nationalities, and not really much of a ‘big body’. Regardless of height or weight, she has definitely not lacked a firm, confident posture, and does not appear to have any health problems related to her height. Her height and nationality all factor into a positive impact upon a positive outcome. It is this positive attitude which provides the allure of nationality to a person born in any country.

Nationality and height are factors unique to one another. Height and nationality have been known to influence and push an artist into a different, and sometimes unexpected direction. These are factors unique to themselves, and have no bearing upon whether or not they can be successful in their chosen profession. Overall, this article attempts to offer insight on how an artist like Juliana Bittencourt, who is not very tall or large-boned, who is known for her high quality work and contributions to our society, is able to successfully ‘fit’ into a role which has little to do with ‘ethnicity’ or nationality, but instead focuses on her own personal talents and skills.
