Why Is The Importance Of Following Fashion Trends So Important?


Why Is The Importance Of Following Fashion Trends So Important?

It’s no exaggeration to state that importance of following fashion trends amongst individuals is on the increase. Yet, rather than accepting this growth as a positive thing, it’s better to take advantage of its benefits and minimize its consequences. However, in today’s world there is mounting evidence which suggests that following fashion trends may indeed have serious repercussions on society. Fashion trends are what most individuals identify as ‘trendy’ and for good reason. The beauty of following fashion trends, after all, is that you are allowed to look fashionable whilst remaining true to yourself and your personality. However, if you try to follow fashion trends blindly, without considering your personal preferences and individual personality traits, you may find yourself unhappy with your decision at a later date.

Some people feel that they should follow fashion trends because these are what others expect of them. If an individual feels that they are beautiful or confident, then that is the image they project, and this image is generally not negotiable. Therefore, for these individuals, wearing clothes and accessories that best fit their perceived image is usually a good way to boost their confidence and improve their social life and relationship. For those who do not share this belief, following fashion trends may be seen as being elitist or shows an attitude of servitude to the masses. The reality of the situation is far from being so simple and it’s important to remember that we all have different opinions and preferences.

Many people also argue that the importance of following fashion trends is based on vanity value, as people only wear what they perceive to be in vogue, thus, not allowing for individual expression. Fashionable clothes are often chosen to fit in with ones personal image rather than expressing themselves. Fashionable clothes are not worn just to make someone look good but are worn as a statement of self-worth and as such are very important to the individual wearing them. Individuals also claim that there are more advantages to wearing the latest fashion brands that there are disadvantages in doing so. As with anything else, people need to choose what they are willing to let go of and wearing fashionable clothes allows people to show who they really are and have the freedom to be unique and personal as they wish.
